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Imtiaz Ghulam

Business Development Manager

Imtiaz is a highly skilled and innovative professionalwith over 5 years of experience creating customizedsolutions for clients across various domains. He isproficient in using Microsoft tools to supportbusiness operations and has a proven track record ofsuccessfully delivering complex projects. Imtiaz's approach to problem-solving involves firstdrafting a solution in a design program, whichenables him to quickly obtain feedback from clientson how the product should look. Once the client hasgiven the go-ahead,

Imtiaz expertly manages theproject, sometimes involving developers dependingon the complexity of the project. Apart from his work, Imtiaz enjoys indulging inpersonal hobby projects such as building escaperooms controlled by Raspberry Pi's, converting shedsinto offices, and creating Power Apps in a sandboxenviro nment. He values prioritization andunderstands the importance of saying "no" to certainprojects in order to achieve sprint objectives. Imtiaz is a team player and always seeks to facilitatehis team with the necessary tools to achieve theirobjectives. His passion for technology and eagernessto learn makes him an excellent asset to anyorganization

Work experience

Imtiaz assesses th e requirements and conditi ons of the needs that the board values the mostin terms of business value. Based on this, stakeholder s in the process are involved insketching and conceptualizing the current and future state. Imtiaz adds Nintex logic to theSharePoint environment to automate processes and make them more user-friendly. The Scaled Agile Framework is used within the project. The key to success is timelycommunication of progress and impediments between the internal project team andbusiness stakeholders. Throughout the project, Imtiaz has the opportunity to fulfill various(Scrum) roles to view situations from different perspectives. Some of his deliverables includingRBAC for the whole Defense Unit are:

Business IT Consultant - CGI


Military of Defense, PaaS SP2019 Migration, Jr. Sharepoint Consultant (06/2022- Now)

Business IT Consultant - CGI


CGI, New year Gala, Board member (11/2022 – 02/2022)


● Data Querying
● Data transformation
● Data visualization
● Workflow automation
● Process drawing
● Requirements elicitation
● Designing
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